The Story...

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So here we are. . .
6 years, 3 names (Bumblebees--Fly Formal--Rinnovo Studio), 2 schools (Go Terriers; Go Tigers-rawr), several degrees, a ton of hot yoga often followed by tearful yet cleansing 45 minute drives home, an ever-teeming porch full of lifetime gal-pals with easy smiles and a plentiful supply of red wine and bourbon. A broken heart and then an unrequited love. A delight in independence.
A production team in Italy. Partnerships with a few international retail icons. A trek to New Zealand. A few "Oh ___" runs down the snow blanketed mountains of The Rockies. Many eardrum crushing wipe-outs learning to mount a surf board. Countless "newb" rush-hour wrong turns. Several sunrises, but many more sunsets. An unsuccessful attempt at learning to play the guitar, paired with a successful attempt at learning to play the drums. A comical and unexpected "win" in the stock market. Many late nights around the fire at the Farm followed by very early morning, very large gulps of Coconut Water. A lot of "bad choices" and a bundle of awesome memories. The contentment accompanying my cozy cocoon of a little basement nest.
3 scarf designs, 3 cities, many miles driven and 10,000 reasons to sing.
I'm feeling a little like Billy Joel right now... with the lyrics of "We didn't start the fire" ringing in my head. All the experiences above might seem a little disjointed, but they come together to build the beautifully broken vessel (a hodgepodge of sparkle and spice) that is me.
Above is a glimpse of the moments that have molded my business -- The physical manifestation of an often trying journey toward renewal and a purpose driven life.
There is beauty in brokenness. So much awesome beauty. Yes, I'm a handful. Of course, I'm a mess, but I believe that I'm a beautiful mess, broken for Him.
Whether it's a bone, a steel structural beam, or a spirit. When there is brokenness, there must also be renewal.
Rinnovo is Italian for "Renewal". A word I learned while in Italy with my parents securing the scarf production team. I clung to the word for 2 years knowing it would have purpose and praying for timing.
The time is now and here it is. Rinnovo Studio: my vessel, my place to pollinate with positivity. To produce a beautiful, intentionally designed product and a platform for connecting artists to business.
Whatever "it" might be for you... this is a place where we aim to pay it forward, pass it on and pollinate with positivity.
I hope you will join our party!!
With hugs,